Monday, March 21, 2011

Relax Into the Internet Lifestyle: Instant Internet Lifestyle Lee McIntyre Review

I was recently on a Q&A call with massively successful Internet Marketer Lee McIntyre of Instant Internet Lifestyle and  

To be truthful, I was kind of drifting in and out, because the call had been going on well over an hour and a half, but then all of a sudden I heard him talking about something that just cut through the fog and really hit home with me.

He said, "Relax."

Relax?  I thought the point when getting started was to take action!  Write articles and blogs and Tweet and FB stuff and in general create a flurry of excitement about your product.

Lee went on, "Don't worry because you don't start making a lot of money, or even make any sales, right away. In the beginning it's a numbers game.  You'll write good copy and get it out there and even get people looking at it, but that first sale will be your hardest, slowest and most expensive sale of your life. 

"But don't stress about it.  Keep posting.  Keep writing.  Keep building your website. Just keep cranking out the content, sharing and back-linking.  Nothing's going to happen for a while.  

"Then you'll tweak things a little more and . . . nothing happens.  Then you write some more and --- nothing happens.  More time goes by, and nothing happens.  Don't give up!"

He was telling me the story of my life -- and the life of so many others who try hard to make it in Internet marketing and find themselves unable to get any traction.  How many of you are (or were) in the same boat - feeling like you're spinning your wheels and maybe even about to give up and go find a job flipping burgers instead?

"Remember," Lee continued, "It's a NUMBERS GAME.  Relax. Don't stress. Expect that it will always take longer than you anticipate to make that breakthrough, and even when you do, chances are it won't make as much money or be as successful as you want.  Even I experience that every time I begin a new project."  (And this is from a man who makes more in one afternoon than I used to make in three years!)

"At some point," he emphasized, "If you keep focused and keep at it, that first sale will come. After that the next will be a little faster, a little easier.  Every sale, every success, means the next one will be better, quicker, more lucrative, more successful. Even with the best system and the best training in the world, you're building a BUSINESS, and building any business takes time and effort to get off the ground.

"Once it starts to get more momentum, though," (and here he chuckled at his own unintentional pun,) "just keep working like you were until it mushrooms and can go on autopilot.  Once that happens, once you crest that plateau,THAT'S when the Internet Lifestyle everyone dreams of, happens."

So I took a deep breath and regained my focus. It wasn't 'me', being inadequate.  It wasn't poorly converting affiliate products or bad copy writing or a plot to keep me from succeeding.  It was simple mathematics, and knowing that enabled me to  . . . relax, and get to work without the draining, distracting, paralyzing fear that I was failing.

My hope is that this post will touch those of you who need to hear those words, as I did.  Don't give up!  Relax, focus, and keep forging ahead.  It's a numbers game.  

You WILL succeed!

*To take a look at Lee McIntyre's Instant Internet Lifestyle,  click here.

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