Tuesday, March 1, 2011

America INVADED by The Brit Lee McIntyre!

It's true! America was recently INVADED by The Brit -
 Get More Momentum, Instant Internet Lifestyle Success Marketer 
Lee McIntyre!
Yes, Lee flew across The Pond to meet his students and associates in online marketing in Orlando, Florida for a major Get More Momentum marketing coaching and networking get-together, and by all accounts it was a massively successful seminar!

Is this an Instant Internet Lifestyle?

Now whether or not everyone is still recovering from too much beer we’ll find out later, but ‘the buzz’ is that Lee’s Instant Internet Lifestyle students are upending the traditional Internet business ‘guru’s and pioneering new paths in online marketing.

For those of you not yet familiar with Lee McIntyre and the Instant Internet Lifestyle phenomenon, this unassuming (yet incredibly successful) former- teacher- turned-Internet-King has been tipping the online marketing industry on its ear by following a unique and fundamentally sound system for generating real, massive, sustainable online income.  

You see, whereas the other well-known Internet gurus seem to be continually skipping from one new launch and clever product to another, Lee and his students are busy building a real business based on solid, scalable principles. 

Here's his idea; Why scatter yourself, having to revamp your marketing strategy or product line every few months (or weeks!) and wear yourself out doing all that development and face all those new learning curves when you can build yourself a REAL business with deep foundations and steady, highly targeted customers who are actively looking for your products?

Wouldn’t that save you an awful lot of frustration and time trying to SELL things to people who aren’t interested?

See, that’s what I mean; Lee McIntyre’s Instant Internet Lifestyle makes so much sense and it’s not magic. Is this a Lee McIntyre scam? You be the judge -- There’s nothing mysterious here!

Think about how finding ways to get more momentum, as Lee shows you in Instant Internet Lifestyle, could change YOUR Internet business.  Even if you’re just a brand new ‘baby newbie’ like I was, Lee has the depth of expertise and experience from his years as a teacher of the toughest of tough kids – kids who didn’t even want to be in a classroom no less learn anything in school - to be able to teach YOU.

If Lee could not only reach those students but help them to truly EXCEL, maybe he can help you turn YOUR life and business around, too.

Why is Lee McIntyre so different?  Maybe it’s because he brings a unique perspective to the familiar American Internet business formula. Maybe he’s stumbled upon the REAL secret to a truly sound and ‘growable’ online business model.

Personally I like Lee’s ‘Pubs and Suds’, down to Earth mentality. He feels real, accessible, humble; but don’t get the wrong idea. Lee and his Get More Momentum, Instant Internet Lifestyle is MASSIVELY successful and profitable, and he generously gives you the tips and techniques to build your own life-changing Internet business, too.

With all the competing and conflicting online marketing gurus and courses out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused and worse – get stuck in either ‘analysis paralysis’ and/or endless information-gathering loop.
I know because I was there, too.

The thing that finally helped ME break out, stop spinning my wheels and finally get some traction so I could get more momentum myself, was buying Instant Internet Lifestyle.

Heck, it’s less expensive to buy Instant Internet Lifestyle than to pay for a dinner out, so go ahead and check it out here!

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